June 23, 2011

Weather Wednesday

Think About It:

"For my people have done two evil things: They have abandoned me--the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!" - Jeremiah 2:13

     Have you ever gone through a day without getting a single drink of water? Or perhaps you worked in the summer's heat or did a strenuous exercise that made your throat and body seem like a dry, empty well, that hadn't been used for centuries? I know I have done all of those things! - (It's making me thirsty just talking about it, haha!). Anyways, did you know that it's recommended that we should drink about 64-80 ounces of water every day? - That's right! That's a lot of water! So whenever you go a day without drinking water you're body is kinda like a dry well. It can't function properly and later on could lead to more serious matters, like kidney failure. In a similar matter, just as our body needs water, our spirit needs God. Without Him, our lives are dry wells, period! "Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'" - John 7:38. We can't function properly without Him! He is like water to our dry mouths. A rain storm in a dry desert. And an everlasting spring of water, at the bottom of a once broken cistern. Just as fish cannot survive without water, we cannot survive without God. We need Him throughout the day, everyday! Then you can function properly and will never have to worry about those problems that would've occurred later on. Don't you want it? - That refreshment of life poured on your dead, dry, and thirsty soul! Don't just take a sip! Dive into it and let God start making you function properly! Start digging, because that everlasting spring is just a shovel-full away!

Verse Of The Week:

"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31

This Week's Top 3 Songs:

(Click Songs To Listen To Them)

Random Fact About Me:

     Ok, this may may come as a shocker to about 94.7% of you - yes, i'm that positive, haha! I love clothes! Wait! Don't click that close button just yet, haha! Hear me out, haha! I love the city look. Like weird hats, vest, ties with clothes that obviously don't match, strange looking shoes, weird gloves, pea-coats and scarves for the fall/winter, all that good stuff! And my hair is different, on average, about every 2 weeks, haha! - I mean, how cool is it when your hair is standing straight up? - What's up with that? - (get it, up? hahaha! Ok, please ignore my corny jokes). ANYWAYS, God has made each of us unique - in the way we look, our talents/abilities, our voices, and so many other things! There's not another person exactly like you in the whole universe! Wow...so out of the billions of people in the world, you're one of a kind? Yes! God took the time to make you unique. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." - Psalm 139:13. I don't know about you but that makes me feel so humbled and special. So my challenge to you is: The next time you're taking a long time picking out an outfit or doing something crazy with your hair, haha, just think about how God took an even longer time just thinking about how He was going to create you. Feel special? - I know I do :)!

June 15, 2011

Weather Wednesday

Think About It:

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." - Proverbs 19:21

      What do you see in this image? Some see a young, beautiful lady, while others see a tired and weary old woman. Well I hope you're able to find both in the picture...I'll leave that up to you, haha! However, the point of this is to show you how we each can see two different views in one picture. Kinda like our lives, isn't it? We may see something for our life but God may see something totally different for it. "We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps." - Proverbs 16:9. We make so many plans for our life and never even question if that's what God has for us. And not just for our long term future either, we're doing this on a daily basis. You may have many plans for your life, but the plans of God are the ones that bring you unending joy, comfort, happiness, etc. throughout your lifetime. If you want to succeed in life you need to have a complete change of plans. Get the new directions and start going after the things that God has for you. His plans are far greater and more prosperous than yours could have ever been. Now, take the image of your life and forget about what you see - but instead, find out what God sees for it.

Verse Of The Week:

"The voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning."- Psalm 29:7

This Week's Top 3 Songs:

(Click Songs To Listen To Them)

Random Fact About Me:

     FIRE!!! Wait! Don't run, I'm just here to tell you that I love them, haha! - (How cheesy!). I love having a fire going anytime time of the year. If it's summer we always try to have a fire going outside in a small fire pit by our pond. If it's winter, however, you'll always find one inside our fireplace, (indoors). There's just something about it that makes me comforted and warm inside, (no pun intended, haha). I like to think of God that way sometimes, - the fire that's raging within me, the One who comforts and keeps me warm inside. What an amazing feeling! Don't let yourself block and smother out that fire within you. So many times we will let ourselves get in the way and obscure God's bright light from being seen. Keep that fire going - It's a beautiful thing!

June 13, 2011


"Sink your roots in him and build on him. Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with thanksgiving." - Colossians 2:7

     In your life have you ever felt as though you're being tossed back and forth like a tree in violent storm? I know I have. There have been points in my life where I've felt that I was going to break, but instead I managed to survive the storm that was, at first, tearing me into pieces. How did I do this you ask? You see, when all the burdens and heartaches of life came raging against me, I simply put my roots in a different soil. - I put my trust in God. Even the largest of trees can be broken by a small windstorm because their roots aren't in strong soil. Every time a storm has come I have always watched in amazement as trees would bend and the tops of them would almost touch the ground. How would those trees not get ripped up and be carried away by these powerful winds? - Because the trees put their roots in solid ground. If we put our faith and trust in God, we will be able to withstand any storm that the devil throws at us. We may bend and get tossed around, but we will never be uprooted - because our roots will be in solid ground. Stop growing in the unstable ground of this world and start growing in the solid ground of God's Kingdom! A soil that will not only keep you protected from the harmful storms in life, but a soil that will make you grow and prosper into things you could have never imagined.

June 9, 2011

Rough Terrain?

     "I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, by paths they have not known I will guide them, I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, I will not forsake them." - Isaiah 42:16

     Throughout our lifetime we are faced with many challenges, obstacles, and hardships to overcome. Yes, the road is very rough and covered with deep potholes which you think you'll never be able to avoid or overcome, but with Christ in your daily life, (not just every once in a while), you can do all things through Him and conquer any piece of terrain that your life brings at you. It clearly shows this in Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." So many times when we hear this verse we say to ourselves -"Wait a minute...All things?! No, that can't be possible. Surely God meant 'some things'. Yes, that sounds better! Because you see, I can't do all things, it's just not possible." That's exactly right! YOU CAN'T do all things! But Jesus Christ CAN! Through Christ all things are possible! Once you realize just how powerful this verse is and start believing this in your life, mountains will move, goals will be reached, and all that rough terrain will be miles behind you. Stop doubting and start believing in the One who can do all things!

June 8, 2011

Weather Wednesday

Think About It:

     I took this picture back in early May. Isn't it so incredible how God paints a brand new sky for us every single morning. And think, that very sky may look totally different within five minutes - it's a never ending piece of art work! According to history, it took Leonardo da Vinci many years to paint the famous "Mona Lisa". Yet, it took God probably not even .01 of a second to create this amazing artwork! - That leaves me speechless...

Verse Of The Week:

"But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand." - Isaiah 64:8

This Week's Top 3 Songs:

(Click Songs To Listen To Them)

Random Fact About Me:

 I love whenever it starts to storm and it's nothing but thunder, dark clouds, and strong winds. This inspires me to write, read, drink coffee :), and watch movies. I also love the secure feeling I get while I'm inside and the storm is ranging outside. It reminds me of the comfort I have in my life because God is holding and protecting me while the wild storms in life just pass me by.

June 6, 2011

Smooth Sailing

         "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past."  - Isaiah 43:18

     God has so many plans for each and everyone of us, but far too often we let our past mistakes, regrets, and fears, steer our lives. You can never move forward into the things that God has for you if you are holding onto the old things in your life. It's just like a sailor expecting to move forward though his anchor is still in the water - it doesn't work. Just as you cannot sail while being weighted down, you cannot move forward while holding on to the heavy burdens of the past. Pull up your anchor! Lighten the load! "Cast thy burdens upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." - Psalm 55:22. If you cast all of your burdens, (new or old), to the Lord,  He will brighten your life and finally make the rough waves of the sea be at peace. Throw out your old map and compass and start trusting in God to sail you in the right direction.

June 5, 2011

Hidden Garbage

      I am consumed by this beast inside. Everytime I am touch slightly in the wrong way my whole being is changed and I am no longer myself, but rather an ill formed, diseased monster. All of my regrets, secrets, fears, and weaknesses are all suddenly brought to the surface and I gnash my teeth at each and every one of them. I endure the pain that each one of them brings and begin to hide them deep within myself, burying them as if they were some kind of treasure. However, this is far from treasure, it's pure garbage. Yes, I may be able to hide its smell for awhile but that does not prevent it from rotting. And soon again that beast will rise to the surface, only this time 10 times more diseased and sickly, bearing a stench that I can't bear, a stench that I myself can never get rid of.
                                                                                             - Jeremy C. Biggar

     So many times in our lives we take all of our regrets, secrets, fears, weaknesses, and any other burdens we have and bury them deep inside ourself, trying to handle the pains on our own. Yes, it may numb the pain for a bit, but it will only return and create more chaos in your life than ever before. You can't get rid of that pain but Jesus Christ can! He will take that fowl, rotting garbage and cast it in the deepest of seas! Confess, forgive, and move forward in life. Don't let those burdens stop you! Let God clean you up and make you who He called you to be!

June 1, 2011

Heart Attack

       Dark clouds gloom over. My heart begins to pound as the thunder within roars in the gloomy sky above. At every strike of lighting I feel the shock electrifying my heart. My heart burns as the fires begin rage across the dark emptiness. I flee to higher ground as great waters rise, overtaking the dry ground. As my enimies continue to reak havioc, striking me and weakening my heart, I cry and scream out with my dying words...LORD, SAVE ME! I then hear His great and mighty voice saying, "Oh you of little faith, why are you so afraid?"
                                                              - Jeremy C. Biggar


         What are we but mere beings on this earth? Should I be impressed with what I see in the mirror, I guess it depends on what I'm looking for. Everytime I look I don't see anything other than the background of the room... It's empty. Occasionally a blur appears in the center but it quicky fades away, like a moving fog, or a puff of smoke. It made its mark, actually more of a smear on the surface - just another spot to wipe away later. Overtime more of these smears appear, now obstructing the view of the room itself. What does that matter, the room was empty anyways. I searched over and over in that mirror but I could never see anything, for it was too crowded - I never could anyways. Well that mirror is old now and the smears just won't wipe away. Its had its chance to reflect but it could never produce anything more than a blurred and clouded image.
                                                                                                                                                                     - Jeremy C. Biggar


        I can't get out, there's no escape. I am confined. I scream out yet no one hears. I shake my cell raveningly like a wild beast who has just been caught. I can't breathe, nor do I wish to. Death is far better than this pain, it almost seems soothing now. I welcome it, yet it never comes to me - or perhaps it already has. I moan here dying yet death won't finish me! The key to this prison lies right across from me, but I can't see it for I am blind. I'm lost and will forever remain here wading helplessly through the deep abyss of my sins.
                                                            - Jeremy C. Biggar